ISU presents:

«India Untouched – Stories of people apart»

Do you want to experience India? Did you know that in Hindu texts there is written that boiling oil should be poured into ears of people from lower caste who would listen to religious texts which is forbidden for them? Want to know more about the Indian caste system and how it influences people’s life there?

Followed by an interactive video conference with the director of the movie and pizza!

Monday, March 21, 2011 at Athene 1 (P46) from 16:00

Come, watch, discuss and eat with us! 🙂

Sign up by Friday, March 18, 2011 (The capacity is 40 people this time, so be fast!)

«India Untouched» is a documentary providing the most comprehensive look at the «untouchables» in India. It has been made over a period of 4 years and the director has tried to cover the heinous caste system in all its forms all across India.


You can read more about the director Stalin K. here.

Read more about the International Students’ Union (ISU) here.

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