The most exciting part of the year is here, it is time to elect the 2014 Student Parliament!
There are 26 seats in the Student Parliament, and 55 candidates from our four faculties have set for election.
The Student Parliament is the top-level political student organ at HiOA, and we are here to protect the student’s interests and to improve the university college.
Here is a selection of cases candidates will work for if they are elected to the Parliament;


• More and better reading places
• Better and cheaper food in the cafeteria
• Better exchange agreements and conditions for our international students
• Better teachers/professors
• Increased quality in Practice
• Student discounts for all , regardless of age

So why should you vote ?

There is a simple answer; to be heard. If you vote you take a stand , you say you want the University College to be better , and you give the candidates you vote for confidence to get the job done.

Are you unhappy with something at HiOA ? Then you should vote . If you do not vote, you can not complain.

Do you think HiOA is perfect as it is? Then you should vote to make sure someone stands up for what’s good.

It only takes a few minutes to vote, and on the voting pages you can read about the various candidates who will represent your faculty. The text is mostly in norwegian, so our best tips is to visit some of our stands and talk to the candidates in person, or have someone translate the pages for you. Google translate might helt a little bit too 😉 We will have voting stands at the following places and dates:

P 50 og P52 – 29.oct

P35 – 31.oct

Kjeller – 31.oct

P48 – 04.nov

If you’re still not convinced to place your vote, please remember that everyone who votes are nominated to win a 1000 NOK gift card at Akademika book store 🙂

Visit this link to vote:

Happy election!

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