This week “Septemberdagene” (The September days) will be arranged at HiOA. This is a small festival arranged in cooperation between the Student Parliament, The International Office at HiOA, ISU and Samfunnet Bislet. It focuses on the involvement of international students at campus and the possibilities for Norwegian students to study abroad. The days will have a varied program, with arrangements that should suit everyone.

It will kick off on Wednesday with speeches from Pro Rector Frode Eika Sandes, who will be follow by Helge Schwitters (Officer of international affairs in Norwegian Students Organization) and the Presidents of ANSA (Association of Norwegian Students Abroad), Madeleine Mowinckel.
After this, there will be a quiz in English, which should be fun for everyone.

On Thursday there will be a couple of speeches as well, before there will be a multicultural-dinner. This a chance for international and Norwegian students to bring food from their home countries and their own cultures and share in with other people. After there will be karaoke, and from experience, I can say: That’s gonna be a lot of fun! The mini-festival finishes of on Friday with a concert with the Norwegian band Klondike.

We see this week as a great opportunity both for putting a focus on the internationalization at HiOA, and for everyone to meet new people and new cultures. And that is of course an offer everyone should take advantage off. Hope to see all at Samfunnet Bislet during the festival.

For more info and full program visit:

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