Velkommen til Vinterfest
This week The Student Parliament, together with the International Office at HiOA, The International Students Union at HiOA, Erasmus Student Network and Samfunnet Bislet are arranging Vinterfest. Vinterfest is a three day festival where we focus on Internationalisation on Campus. It is a great chance both for international students to meet Norwegian students, and a chance for Norwegian students to get more knowledge about the advantages you can get from studying abroad. Yesterday, the festival was opened with speaches from Prorector Frode Eika Sandnes, The President of The Studens Welfare Council in Oslo: Sigrid Mæhle Grimsrud(on the picture), Mari Berdal Djupvik from Abelia, and a Norwegian Student who told us about his experiences from studying abroad. The night was finished off with the weekly quiz. Today there will be an International Dinner. This is an event where students get to serve food from their home countries to other students. The event is a great opportunity for both international and Norwegian students to show their unique cultures and get to know each other over some great food from all over the world. The night will be finished off with karaoke! The last night off the festival will be a party at Samfunne t Bislet, with International Coordinator Karl Norli as DJ. This should not be missed! If you want to make new friends, share your culture and get to know the advantages you get from taking a semester abroad, come on down to Samfunnet Bislet and celebrate Vinterfest 2015 together with us. See you there. 🙂