Dear International Students
It is a big honor for me to welcome you all to Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied Sciences (Or as you learned today: HiOA). We are very pleased and honored that you have chosen our University College for the next semester of your education. It is a big acknowledgement for us that so many of you are here today. Working together with you, and learning to understand your different cultures and backgrounds is a big part of our progress to be the best school we can possibly be for our students. The Student Parliament is the upper student body and the link between the students and the institution. We are students, chosen by other students, to represent you and to work every day to make sure that your education and rights as a student is well preserved. It consists of 26 chosen student representatives from all four faculties, and an executive committee with a president, vice president, officer of study environment and officer of academic affairs. We want you all to have the time of your life in Oslo and Kjeller, both on and off school. Close relations and communication between you as students and us in the Student Parliament and The International Office is an important part of making this come true. It is important that you are all aware that you can visit our offices in Pilestredet 46 with any question or complain, or if you just want a cup of coffee and someone to talk with. We are here for you. We know that sometimes it is easier to talk to a fellow student than to the other employees at the school. Unfortunately, our English websites are down these days due to an upgrading of our website, but we hope to see them back up […]