Hei og velkommen til HiOA!
For å få den på norsk kan du bla litt lengre ned. Den er ikke helt sånn som jeg sa den, men jeg tror dere overlever! Kos dere masse den kommende perioden! English: Hey and welcome to Oslo and Akershus University college! It is very exciting that we have so many new students, and so many international students among us as well. It is important for our school that we have such a diverse and international student body. I encourage you to be part of activities that take place her at HiOA, and I want to encourage the Norwegian students to include the international students as well. I hope that you are looking forward to studying at HiOA and I hope that you’ll have a great time. The rest of this speech will be in Norwegian, but you will find it all in English at our webpage.(www.studentparlamentet.no) Hi everybody! My name is Tord Øverland and I am the leader of the Studentparliament at HiOA. My fulltime coworkers are: Jørgen, Kine and Tamara. We,ll do what we can to make your studies the best they can be. I like to say that the Studentparliament is the students own Parliament and the executive committee is like the student’s government. It’s a good feeling to stand here and look and see so many new students, and even though I’m a bit nervous I know that so are quite a few of you. This is exciting! For some of you HiOA is your first study after your graduation, and some of you might have studied a bit before. The thought of being here for three years might seem frightening for some of you. To ease this scare, I’ll give you a challenge: be engaged. Take part in what’s going on at school. My hope […]