Join a student society Oslo has over 450 different student societies engaged in cultural, political, humanitarian, religious, academic and social acktivities, as well as many different sports. Joining a voluntary student organization gives you the chance to practice your Norwegian and make friends who share your interests. Visit us:
Here are an edited and translated version of the welcoming speech the leader of the Student Parliament held the on the opening ceremony: Dear International students, welcome to Oslo and Akershus University College of applied sciences! I am Eline Stølan, and I am the president of the Student Parliament. It is an honor for me welcoming you to us, Norway’s largest University College. I am very proud of being your representative and proud to be a student here. You all have an exciting time ahead of you. Your time as a student can become the best time you’ve ever had. It is with the people standing around you, that you will establish relations and friendships that will last a lifetime. You might also find your future husband or wife in this crowd. It is now you can define who you want to be and what values you want to support. You will have doubts, you will be wrong and you will see things in a different light, these are all parts of being a student. Many of you are now experiencing independence in your daily life for the first time. Someone are straight out of High School and have just moved out from home for the first time. You will meet a new life; no one waking you up in the morning, no chores and you can eat all kind of “bad food” at all hour of the day with no one commenting on it. A lot of freedom, but also a lot of responsibility. One of my best advises to you is to get good study buddies. Create a study group and read together, support each other, inspire each other and help each other. It have meant the world to me at least! Get involved in the student life […]
We would like to welcome all international students to Oslo and Akershus University College. We in the Student parliament are looking forward to seeing you around campus this year. If you want to get involved in the student democracy, just contact us or stop by our office in Pilestredet 46 ground floor. Also you can follow us on Facebook, to get updates on what we are currently working on and events we are planning.
The voting has started for the yearly election for the Student Parliament. Candidates from all the 4 faculties at HiOA are competing for the 25 seats in the Parliament. There are 60 candidates so it will be an exciting election. Why should I vote? By using your vote you can influence the dicitions made in the Student Parliament. YOU can decide which candidates from your faculty you want to represent your causes and represent you in the Parliament and further to the administration. USE YOUR VOTE! Who can vote? All registered students at Oslo and Akershus University College can vote at the election. You have received an e-mail in you student mailbox. When you open this e-mail you will find the link that will redirect you to where you vote. Who are the candidates? Faculty of Health Sciences: Faculty of Education and International studies: Faculty of Social Sciences: Faculty of Technology, Art and Design:
Kunne du tenke deg å hjelpe neste semesters internasjonale studenter med å finne seg til rette i et nytt land? Meld deg som Study Buddy nå! I august/september kommer en gjeng internasjonale studenter til Norge for å studere ved HiOA. De fleste av disse ønsker å møte en lokal student på ankomstdagen. Som Study Buddy får du ansvaret for en eller to internasjonale studenter. Din oppgave er å møte din(e) student(er) ved stasjonen eller bussterminalen og følge dem til studentboligen. Ellers står du selv fritt til å hjelpe din Study Buddy med å vise for eksempel hvor man kan handle billig matvarer, hvordan du kommer deg rundt med kollektivtransport i Oslo, hvor den lokale studentpuben ligger eller hvordan du kommer deg til skolen. Eller bare møtes for å drikke kaffe om dere vil det! Hvis du vil kan du melde deg på sammen med en venn. Da vil dere sammen ha en gruppe på 2-4 internasjonale studenter. Som Study Buddy har du mulighet til å treffe studenter fra hele verden! Det er ikke tidkrevende, og du får mye igjen for det. Meld deg nå – og senest 1. juni! For mer informasjon og påmelding KLIKK HER.
The Student Parliament wishes all prospective international students welcome to Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied Sciences. On our websites you will now find English information about the beginning of the school year and the Buddy system, a presentation of the Student Parliament and what we do and information about the upcoming student elections, and how YOU can contribute to the improving of HiOA and its study environment.